When come to converting PDF document, there are many online PDF tools and PDF Converting Software on the Internet for users to convert their file. All the online PDF converters are fast, which the converted document will be saved in just a few seconds, but your PDF document or data are not guaranteed to be safe!
All PDF converter software has an algorithm or code to perform file conversion, which means all the PDF files which are uploaded by users for conversion are kept in a database on the Internet online. Therefore, if you are trying to convert important PDF files such as Financial Report, Data Record, Private Information File, etc., it is not wise to convert them on the Internet.
There are many internet hackers on the internet who will hack or try to look for some substantial and private files that can benefit them. They can steal the data or folder from the online software and sell it to a third dealer or party.
Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay
Users can encrypt a PDF password for the PDF file. First of all, it can keep the content of the PDF locked and not open publicly. Next, only users that know the encrypted password are allowed to open the lock PDF file. For more about encrypting a PDF password, you can refer to ‘Password protect your PDF file? Encrypt PDF here for Free!‘. It will show users how to encrypt PDF files for free.
The best and safe way to convert PDF documents is converting using an offline PDF Converter Software. This is because of offline converter software will keep your file in their database and not publicly on the Internet database. We will show you one of the best free PDF converter software you can find on the Internet below!
Bitwar PDF Converter Software is a free PDF converter software that supports Windows 10, 8, 7, and XP. It also supports multiple types of file format conversion such as Word, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, HTML, FLASH, RTF, TXT, CBZ, etc. Not only that it has multiple useful PDF tools for users to experience!
Users can create an account by using Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Email address to use the PDF editor tools such as Splitting PDF, Merging PDF, Lock/unlock PDF, Rotate PDF, Compressing PDF, Converting Office file and Image to PDF.
Let us all be more cautious and safe with our PDF file and document by the safe convert PDF converter instead of converting PDF online. Suppose that you are looking for the best PDF converter software with multiple PDF editing tools, you can download and install Bitwar PDF Converter for free on your system now!
1) LOOK here! Learn to Choose the Best PDF Editor Software for YOU
2) WHY Choose Deli PDF Converter Over Online PDF Editor!
3) How to Convert Image to PDF?
4) How to Unlock an Encrypted PDF File?
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